SAP APO ATP category

Cat Cat. Text Category Description Sort Typ ME Rel.SL R/3 Object
AA PrcOrd (C) Process Order (Created) 25 1 BR   6
AB PrcOrd (R) Process Order (Released) 25 1 BR   6
AC PrdOrd (C) Production Order (Created) 25 1 FE   6
AD PrdOrd (R) Production order (released) 25 1 FE   6
AE PrjOrd (C) Project Order (Created) 25 1 NE   6
AF PrjOrd (R) Project Order (Released) 25 1 NE   6
AG PurRqs Purchase Requisition 20 1 BA   1
AH PO memo Advanced Shipping Notification 20 1 LA   2
AI PlOrd. Planned order (not firmed, unconfirmed) 23 1 PA   5
AJ PlOrd. (F) Planned order (firmed, unconfirmed) 23 1 PA   5
AK PlOrd.(NC) Planned order (not firmed, confirmed) 23 1 PA   5
AL PlOrd.(CF) Planned order (confirmed, firmed) 23 1 PA   5
AM ProdRes ProdRes. not withdrawable, location-rel. 30 2 MR   7
AN PrdRes (W) MatRes. withdrawable, location-relevant 30 2 MR   7
AO PrdRes (N) MatRes. not withdrawable, not locn-rel. 30 2 MR X 7
AP MatRes(WN) MatRes withdrawable, not location-rel. 30 2 MR X 7
AQ ProdRes ProdRes. not withdrawable, location-rel. 30 1 MR   7
AR PrdRes (W) MatRes. withdrawable, location-relevant 30 1 MR   7
AS PrdRes (N) MatRes. not withdrawable, not locn-rel. 30 1 MR X 7
AT MatRes(WN) MatRes withdrawable, not location-rel. 30 1 MR X 7
AU OrdRes Order reservation not withdrawable 31 2 AR   7
AV OrdRes (W) Order reservation withdrawable 31 2 AR   7
AW OrdRes Order reservation not withdrawable 31 1 AR   7
AX OrdRes (W) Order reservation withdrawable 31 1 AR   7
AY DepDmd Dependent demand 32 2 SB   7
AZ DepDmd Dependent demand 32 1 SB   7
BA SubReq Subcontractor requirements 33 2 BB   7
BB SubReq Subcontractor requirements 33 1 BB   7
BC StkTrfRes Stock transfer reservation 34 2 UL   7
BD StkTrfRes Stock transfer reservation 34 1 UL   7
BE SchLne Scheduling Agreement Schedule Line 40 1 LE   2
BF PchOrd Order item schedule line 40 1 BE   2
BG PORet Purchase order returns item 40 2 RP   2
BH PReqRel Stock transport requisition 41 2 U2   1
BI ConRel Stock transport order 42 2 U1   2
BJ SchAgrReq Suppliers' SchdlngAgrmtRqmt 43 2 U4   2
BK Inquiry Customer inquiry 20 2 VA   3
BL Quotation Customer quotation 20 2 VB   3
BM SalesOrder Sales order 20 2 VC   3
BN SchAgr SD scheduling agreement 20 2 VE   3
BO SA ExS Scheduling agreement w/external services 20 2 VF   3
BP Contr. Contract 20 2 VG   3
BQ FreeDeliv Delivery w/o charge 20 2 VI   3
BR Deliv. Delivery 20 2 VJ   B
BS CusReq Independent requirements 20 2 VW   3
BT ReturnsDel Returns delivery 50 1 VT   B
BU QM lot Inspection lot 30 1 QM    
BV SAgRel Scheduling Agreement Release 40 1 LE   2
BW SAgRelReq Suppliers' Release Order Reqmt 40 2      
BX DelivReq Delivery Request 20 2 VZ   B
BY SD RetDel SD Returns Delivery 20 1 VH   B
BZ SD Returns SD Returns 20 1 VH   3
CA Stock/tsfr Stock in transfer (location to location) 1       0
CB SafetyStck Parameter-Dependent ATP Safety Stock 1       0
CC Stock Valuated, unrestricted-use stock 1       0
CD ConsiStock Valuated, unrestr.-use consignment stock 1       0
CE SubconStck Valuated, unr.-use subcontracting stock 1       0
CF InspctnStk Stock in quality inspection 1       0
CG InspConStk Consignment stock in quality inspection 1       0
CH InspSubStk Subcontracting stock in qual. inspection 1       0
CI BlockedStk Blocked stock 1       0
CJ BlckConStk Blocked consignment stock 1       0
CK RstrUseStk Restricted-use stock 1       0
CL RsUseCnStk Restricted-use consignment stock 1       0
CM RsUseSbStk Restricted-use subcontracting stock 1       0
CN TsStkSb Stock in transfer (subloc. to subloc.) 1     X 0
CO MntOrd(C) Maintenance order (created) 25 1 IH   6
CP MaintOrd Maintenance order (released) 25 1 IH   6
CQ QueryPlnd Query process planned 20 1     1
CR QryPblshd Query process published 20 1     1
CS StkInTrnst Stock in Transit 1       0
DD Stock Stock 1       0
DN Dep:SubReq Dep: Requirement from Substitution 35 2     8
DO Dep:SubRct Dep: Receipt from Substitution 35 1     8
EA SNP: PReq SNP: Purchase requisition 20 1 BA   1
EB SNP:Rel.PR SNP: Release for stk transp. requisition 41 2 U2   1
ED SNP:VMI-SO SNP: VMI sales order   2      
EE SNP:PL-ORD SNP: Planned order 23 1 PA   5
EF DEP: PReq Deployment: Purchase requisition 20 1 BA   1
EG DEP:ConRl Deployment: Release for stk transf. req 41 2 U2   1
EH DEP:VMI-SO Deployment: VMI sales order   2      
EI In Transit In Transit 40 1 BE   2
EJ TLB:Rel.PR TLB: Release for purchase order 42 2 U1   2
EK TLB:VMI-SO TLB: VMI sales order 20 2 VC   3
EL SNP:DepDmd SNP: Dependent demand 32 2 SB   7
EM SNP:PL-JP SNP: Receipt from manuf. of co-products 32 1 SB   7
EN SNP:ReqSub SNP: Requirement from substitution 35 2     8
EO SNPSubRcpt SNP: Receipt from substitution 35 1     8
EQ StkTrsfDel Replenishment delivery 20 2 VJ   B
ER VMI dely VMI delivery 20 2 VJ   B
ES SNP:PL-ORD SNP: Planned Order (Subcontracting) 23 1 PA   5
ET SNP: PReq SNP: Purchase Requisition (Subcontract.) 20 1 BA   1
EU SNP:PReqRl Stock Transport Requisition (Subcontrc.) 41 2 U2   1
FA FC req. Planned independent requirements   3     4
FB VMI:PROMO VMI: Demand for promotions   3     4
FC Forecast Forecast Sales Demand   3     4
FD VMI-FCST ICH: VMI Forecast   3     4
FE IntFrcDesc Internal Forecast f. IntFrcDesc. in SNP   3      
GA Subst.ord. Substitution Order 35 1     8
GB Subst.req. Substitution Requirement 35 2     8
GC CmbOrd CmbOrd - Combined Order 99 1      
GD FSUBSTAUF Extended Substitution Order 35 1     8
GE FSUBSTBED Extended Substitution Demand 35 2     8
GF ExF CP Rct Forwarding of Excess to CP Receipt 36 1     8
GG ExF CP Dmd Forwarding of Excess to CP Demand 36 2     8
GH ExF SubRct Excess Forward. Subst. Receipt(1:1,FFF) 40 1     8
GI ExF SubDmd Excess Forwarding Subst.Demand (1:1,FFF) 40 2     8
HA SA-ConfRel Comfirmation in Plant - SA 40 1 LE   2
HB SA-CRelReq Confirmation at Vendor - SA 57 2      
HC SD SA Rel. Release from Customer in Plant - SD SA 57 2     8
HD SA-ConfRel Release at Customer - SD Sched. Agrmt. 40 1      
HE SA Conf. Confirm. for Customer in Plant - SD SSA 57 2 VE   3
HF SA-CRelRec Confirmation at Customer - SD SA 40 1      
HG SNP SA SL SNP: Sched. Agreement Sched.Line - SA 40 1      
HJ SNP SA Dmd SNP: Suppliers Sched.Agrmt Demand - SA 53 2      
HV SNP SA Rel SNP: Scheduling Agreement Release - SA 40 1      
HW SNP SA Dmd SNP: Suppliers Release Demand - SA 57 2      
HX SNP SACnfI SNP: Confirmation for SA Issue 57 2      
HY SNP SACnfR SNP: Confirmation for SA Receipt 57 1      
IA Temp. Req. Temporary Requirement for Char. Eval.   3     8
IB ICH:VMI SO ICH: VMI Sales Order 20 2 VC   3
IC ICH:VMI DL ICH: VMI Delivery 20 2 VJ   B
ID Temp. Req. Temporary Requirement Subassembly Plng 32 2 SB   7
IW ShpNotPlnt Shipping Notification in Plant 19 1 LA   2
KA SPP FCST SPP Forecast   3      
KB SPPSTR IN SPP Stock Transfer (Receipt)   1      
KC SPPSTR OUT SPP Stock Transfer (Demand)   2      
KD SPPSTR-VR SPP Stock Transfer VCL (Receipt)   1      
KF SPPSTR-VD SPP Stock Transfer VCL (Demand)   2      
KG SPPLIESCRT SPP Scrapping (Delivery Requirement) 45 2 VJ   B
SR SStk Req. Safety Stock as Requirement 10 2      


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