ABAP - How to remove accented characters

SCP_REPLACE_STRANGE_CHARS is a standard SAP function module available within R/3 SAP systems depending on your version and release level. Below are the pattern details for this FM showing its interface including any import, export parameters etc and for your convenience any standard documentation available. All this information and more can be viewed if you enter the function module name SCP_REPLACE_STRANGE_CHARS into the relevant SAP transaction such as SE37 or SE80

CALL FUNCTION 'SCP_REPLACE_STRANGE_CHARS' "Replace non-standard characters with standard characters
    intext =                    "               Input text
*   intext_lg = 0               " i             Number of Bytes in the Input Text
*   inter_cp = '0000'           " tcp00-cpcodepage  Intermediate character set with replacements
*   inter_base_cp = '0000'      " tcp00-cpcodepage  Basis Code Page for 'INTER_CP'
*   in_cp = '0000'              " tcp00-cpcodepage  Char. set of INTEXT (if not system char. set)
*   replacement = 46            "               '0' or the replacement character
    outtext =                   "               Output text
    outused =                   "               Output text length
    outoverflow =               "               'X':Output text incomplete, ' ':otherwise
    INVALID_CODEPAGE = 1        "               Unknown character set
    CODEPAGE_MISMATCH = 2       "               Intermediate character set does not fit the system character set
    INTERNAL_ERROR = 3          "               Internal error
    CANNOT_CONVERT = 4          "               There was no replacement for a char. in INTEXT
    FIELDS_NOT_TYPE_C = 5       "               Fields passed must be type C
