
Dica MUITO INTERESSANTE para pesquisar notas associadas a programas

Partilharam comigo uma dica de como pesquisar notas associadas a programas, que não conhecia… E agora, partilho convosco… Na transação ANST, são validados os objetos usados durante execução da nossa variante com erro e depois é feita a validação das notas que não estão no sistema. 1.         Transação ANST. Escolher programa, neste caso,  e executar: 2.         Somos redirecionados para o programa onde podemos chamar a variante criada onde temos o erro: 3.         Ao executar, o programa corre normalmente, mostrando log e form.  Ao fazer back até sair da transação  é feito o trace:     4.         Depois são exibidos todos os módulos que foram detetados na execução: 5.         Selecionamos neste caso PY e de seguida pesquisa de nota: 6.         Aparecem as notas em falta:

Selection is locked by user XXX (Mesage /SAPAPO/SDP221)

You are getting this lock message /SAPAPO/SDP221, but there is no entry on SM12 to delete. Aparently this is cause when you get a dump like this on planning book The way I found to fix this and carry on to modification was to add the follow user parameter on SU01 no force the switch to display mode. /SAPAPO/SDP94_D_MODE = 'I' Enjoy.

User Logs Checks

1. ANALYSE APPLICATION LOGS   SLG1     (Do not select Read from Archive) 2. READ SYSTEM LOGS    SM21    (Selected problem and warning only) 3. User Information Systems    SUIM    (Select Last one Change Documents for Users)                  (Select then all Selection Criteria for changed Header Data) 4. IF SUIM doesn't show then trun on Security Audit logs:    SM19    (Selected All Audit Classes) & Create display profile name 5. CHECK THE AUDIT LOGS:    SM20    (Check the audit logs) 6. SELECTION STATISTICAL RECORDS    STAD    (selected all posible check and hit Enter)

RE-Open MM periods

1. Go to TCode SU01 (see OSS NOTES 487381) 2. Choose "change" tab with your loging Name 3. Choose "Parameter" tab give Parameters MMPI_READ_NOTE with date format as YYYYMMDD for today date (say today 20160302) 4. SAVE. 5. Go to T-code MMPI 6. open the old periods which you want to post into, Note : the period opening will be valid for only for the particular day only. 7. Complete the posting you want to reverse or add 8. Go to MMPV to close the periods.

Icons and their function codes

Execute the program   SHOWICON or Execute the program   RSTXICON og Go to table ICON or Go to include <ICON> and check type-pools ICON On your progmra use data declaration type-pools icon.

Create new entry in IMG customizing

You can use the transaction  S_IMG_EXTENSION In that transaction you can enhance an existing IMG-Structure. (for eg a table maintenance). With the transaction  SIMGH  you can create/edit an IMG-Structure. (see here "Application help") In SAP-Menu -> Tools -> Hypertext -> Structures.

How to debug background job

You can debug batch jobs by going to 'SM37', type in 'JDBG' in the command line ( no '/' ), put the cursor on the job and press enter - will take you to the job in debug mode. You can do this only after the job has finished execution. This will simulate the exact background scenario with the same selection screen values as used in the job also sy-batch will set to 'X'. So type in the transaction code 'JDBG' and place your cursor on the job after It has finished. It will take you to a SAP program in debug mode. Step through this program which is about 10 lines, after this your program will be executed in the debug mode. Steps 1. Create variant called BACKGROUND for program to be debugged. 2. Execute ZDEBUGBG (pgm code below) in background for immediate processing. 3. Execute transaction SM50. 4. Select process that runs ZDEBUGBG. 5. Goto 'Program/Session' 'Program' 'Debugging'. A se80 debug sessio